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17140.74 € 82.81 % amount collected
3559.26 € Amount available
Loan information
Loan amount 20700.00 €
Maturity 84 months
Interest 16 %
Rating B Default probability 2-6%

A good compromise between risk and return, ‘B’-rated loans will sometimes default, but their yield more than makes up for it.
Information about borrower
Age 43
Gender Toadmf
Residence Hyqmu
Education Education is specified by the borrower Ashb zmbdht
Marital status Suwecli
Dependants Number of dependents is specified by borrower Jmz
Income information
Salary pk_front_investor_loan_requests_borrowerInfo_calucalatedIncome_tip
91819.00 €
Sector Errsqxbc vrktabbleg
Work experience at the latest place of work Zkww 5 zgwyn
Pension pk_front_investor_loan_requests_borrowerInfo_calucalatedIncome_tip
9620.1713 €
Available assets Available assets are specified by the borrower Gfb, Wdlyb
V621542379 20.00 €
V859824934 25.09 €
V226821270 43.20 €
V550439936 20.48 €
V392997442 20.00 €