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13151.52 € 93.94 % amount collected
848.48 € Amount available
Loan information
Loan amount 14000.00 €
Maturity 72 months
Interest 22 %
Rating C Default probability: 6-12%

Offering attractive yields, ‘C’-rated loans are higher risk of default, but will produce higher returns in the long run.
Information about borrower
Age 515
Gender Rmvs
Residence Qvkjpnawh e.
Education Education is specified by the borrower Hjzbdntzaz
Marital status Qsgjse
Dependants Number of dependents is specified by borrower Fvrt
Income information
221811.1920 €
Sector Yxvpnqng/ Vzhrlt qhyd/ Ddhmadwi
Work experience at the latest place of work bzrt 12 mi 11 xdsqf
Available assets Available assets are specified by the borrower Ixz
V969666313 20.05 €
V273487487 20.00 €
V005088916 20.00 €
V850830913 33.00 €
V814937994 62.00 €